
Neue Heimat

  • 100%live
The musical work of the American-German-French Fenster quartet is characterised by deconstruction. Spartan in their instrumentation, their songs are nevertheless playful, melancholic, melodious and ethereal. Where their first album “Bones” still had plenty of noise and crackle, in their follow-up album “The Pink Caves” the quartet immersed themselves in the psychedelic worlds of the 50s, evoking recollections of David Lynch’s films, actually singing of fireflies, owls and true love. The band’s live concerts oscillate between self-control and explosion, crashing noise and silence – in front of an absurd, minimalist stage set of sunset and palms.

Neue Heimat
Project sponsors spark7 & digitalis
Neue Heimat: Fenster

Dates and Facts

Sa 04/10, 22.30

Heimatsaal im Volkskundemuseum

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8 €
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After the concert at the festival centre DJs Jambon Beurre (FR)



With Fenster (US/DE/FR)