I share, therefore I am

Surrogate of communication

46% technology
17% sound
37% sharing
The influential sociologist Sherry Turkle, who examines how digital technologies impact on interpersonal relationships and communication, arrives at a tough diagnosis in her latest book “Alone together”: while smartphones, social networks, robopets and the like satisfy our craving for fellowship and community with others – they completely suppress all risk, genuine closeness and serious interaction. ESC im LABOR is now applying this analysis to current art production, creating an experimental set-up which undermines this development: the participating artists choose one or more tools from their own production, a tape recorder, Geiger counter or piece of software, and turn it into the object of scrutiny itself, interacting closely with an engineer or art theorist.

Exhibition openings

Curatorial dialogues

Guided tours
herbst remixed. Video impressions of the exhibition.
Reni Hofmüller on "I share, therefore I am".

With Christina Clar (AT), Marloes de Valk (NL), Tobias Hoffmann (DE), Wernfried Lackner (AT/ES), Pei-Wen Liu (TW), Diane Ludin (US), Astrid Mager (AT), Donna Metzler (ZA/NL), Femke Smelting (NL/BE), Enrique Tomas (AT/ES), Els van Riel (BE) et al.

Curated by Reni Hofmüller (AT)
Co-produced by steirischer herbst & ESC im LABOR

Dates and Facts

21/09 - 13/12
Tue - Sun 10.00 - 19.00

Sun 06/10, 18.00
Lecture & concert

esc medien kunst labor

free entry

//esc medien kunst labor.at
